Answers for "How to handle frames in Selenium?"


How to handle frames in Selenium?

• Steps 
o Locate the iframe 
o Switch to another iframe with driver.switchTo().frame();
.frame() à takes string, Integer, webElement, name or id directly as parameter 

• Now you are in the 2nd frame, 
if you want to find an element outside of the 2nd frame
(that you’re currently on) 
throws NosuchElementException 
• If you need to switch back to previous frame 
o driver.switchTo().parentFrame()-> Goes one level up 
o driver.switchTo().defaultcontent() -> Goes to the very top 
• Can switch using count
o driver.switchTo(0) -> Counts anything that is not the default frame 
These methods might give you different results based 
on what browser you are using
Posted by: Guest on June-15-2021

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