Answers for "GOOGLE SHEETS miles to km"


GOOGLE SHEETS miles to km

CONVERT(value, start_unit, end_unit)
 - value - the numeric value in start_unit to convert to end_unit
 - start_unit - The starting unit, the unit currently assigned to value .
 - end_unit - The unit of measure into which to convert value.

CONVERT(32, "C", "F")
CONVERT(5.1, "g", "kg")

The following list outlines the available unit conversions by category:
 - Area - ang^2, Picapt^2, in^2, ft^2, yd^2, m^2,ar, Morgen,uk_acre, us_acre, ha, mi^2, Nmi^2, ly^2
 - Distance - ang, Picapt, pica, in, ft, yd, m, ell, mi, survey_mi Nmi, ly, parsec
 - Energy - eV, e, J, flb, c, cal, BTU, Wh, HPh
 - Force - dyn, pond, N, lbf
 - Information - bit, byte
 - Magnetism - ga, T
 - Power - W, PS, HP
 - Pressure - Pa, mmHg, Torr, psi, atm
 - Speed - m/hr, mph, kn, admkn, m/s
 - Temperature - C, F, K, Rank, Reau
 - Time - sec, min, hr, day, yr
 - Volume - ang^3, Picapt^3, tsp, tspm, tbs, in^3, oz, cup, pt, uk_pt, qt, l, uk_qt, gal, uk_gal, ft^3, bushel, barrel, yd^3, m^3, MTON, GRT, mi^3, Nmi^3, ly^3
 - Weight - u, grain, g, ozm, lbm, stone, sg, cwt, uk_cwt, ton, uk_ton
Posted by: Guest on July-20-2021

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