Write a trigger on contact to prevent duplicate records based on Contact Email & Contact Phone.
trigger PreventDuplicateContacts on Contact (before insert) {
// Set to store email ids
Set <String> emailSet = new Set<String>();
// Set to store phone numbers
Set <String> phoneSet = new Set<String>();
// Iterate through each Contact and add their email and phone number to their respective Sets
for (contact con:trigger.new) {
// New list to store the found email or phone numbers
List <Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>();
// Populating the list using SOQL
contactlist = [SELECT email,phone FROM Contact WHERE email IN :emailSet OR phone IN :phoneSet];
// Iterating through each Contact record to see if the same email or phone was found
for (contact con:trigger.new) {
If (contactList.size() > 0) {
// Displaying the error
con.email.adderror( 'Duplicate Contact Found. Use Existing Contact.' );