speed test dn
Are you serious!
#pip3 install speedtest-cli
import speedtest
#function that gets the download speed in mega bytes per second
def get_final_speed():
rawspeed = speedtest.Speedtest().download()
roundedspeed = round(rawspeed)
finalspeed = roundedspeed / 1e+6
return finalspeed
#function that loops and calls on the above function
def looped_av(y):
finalspeeds = 0
for i in range(y):
x = get_final_speed()
print(f'{i+1}. {x}mb/s')
return finalspeeds
#menu loop
while True:
repeat = input('1, 2, 3 or press {ENTER} to quit\n>>>')
if repeat == '1':
#single iteration
x = get_final_speed()
print(f'done, your download speed is {x}mb/s')
elif repeat == '2':
#2 iterations and finds the average speed
x = looped_av(2)
print(f'done, your average download speed is {x}mb/s')
elif repeat == '3':
#finds out how accurate the user wants the average to be, pretty pointless i know
times_through = int(input('how many times do you want the test to run?\n>>>'))
#iterates and finds the average download speed
x = looped_av(times_through)
print(f'done, your average download speed is {x}mb/s')
#breaks from the loop
Test Speed VERY GOOD
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