Answers for "why does a subclass need to need to create a constructor matching super"


how to do two constructors with super

public Student(double avgGPA, int ID, String[] classes, String name){
    setVars(avgGPA, ID, classes);

public Student(double avgGPA, int ID, String[] classes, String name, int age){
    super(name, age);
    setVars(avgGPA, ID, classes);

public Student(double avgGPA, int ID, String[] classes, String name, int age, String homeTown){
    super(name, age, homeTown);
    setVars(avgGPA, ID, classes);

private void setVars(double avgGPA, int ID, String[] classes) {
    this.avgGPA = avgGPA;
    this.ID = ID;
    this.classes = classes;
Posted by: Guest on July-23-2020

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