c# among us tutorial
//1. Watch this Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47U1PJ0RVvo //2. Somewhere at the Bottom of your Code you'll find a Function called: public static void Postfix(PlayerControl __instance) // Also: Everything you put in this function, will be executed forever, // meaning that its getting executed each frame and not only just one Time. //3. In there you can write your Code, starting on each line with writing: __instance. //4. It should Popup a huge list of things you can do. Here are a few examples // what you could do with that: // __instance.SetKillTimer(0); //Sets the Kill Cooldown of the Impostor to 0 Secs. // __instance.SetColor(3); //Sets the Body Color of all the Players (and Dummy's) //to Pink. See a List of Id's of Body Colors here: //https://among-us.fandom.com/wiki/Colors // if (!__instance.isDummy) { //Will only set the Body Color of Players, not (!) __instance.SetColor(10); //of Dummy's to Cyan. } // if (!__instance.isDummy) { //Sets the Body Color of only Players, not (!) of __instance.SetColor(Random.Range(0, 17)); //dummy's to a random Color Id } //(0-17) // if (__instance.isDummy) { //(x, ------------y-----------, z) __instance.transform.Translate(0, 1.1 * Time.deltaTime * 2, 0); //Moves all Dummy's up (y) forever at normal 1x Speed. (Can be used for a //Singleplayer Mod, where all the Dummy's are Bots. If you want to move them on //the x, just copy the code in the y (between the 2 Commas, and replace the 0 //at x with that Code. If you want to change the Speed, experiment with the 1.1 //in the Code. // __instance.Die(DeathReason.Exile); //Kills all Players (and Dummy's) because of __instance.Die(DeathReason.Disconnect); //Exile, Disconnecting or Kill. __instance.Die(DeathReason.Kill); // __instance.ClearTasks(); //Clears all tasks of all Players, (Crewmate win) // __instance.RpcSendChat("This is your Chat Message"); //All Players and Dummy's will Spam the Message in Chat forever (Can be combined //with if (!__instance.isDummy), to only force Players to write the Message //in Chat // if (__instance.inVent) //Executes some Code, in case an Instance is in a Vent // if (__instance.name == "Dummy 2") { //Only Players / Dummy's named "Dummy 2" __instance.Die(DeathReason.Kill); //will be killed at the beginning of the } //game (VERY USEFULL, CAN BE USED ON ALL OF THE ABOVE) // __instance.moveable = false; // Will disable movement of all Players __instance.moveable = true; // Will enable movement of all Players // // Additional Information: In the List, that shows up when you type __instance. // there are option with a wrench and Options with a purple Box. The wrench // signalizes, that this parameter is only checkable (with if). A purple Box // means, that the parameter is executable (e.g. __instance.SetColor()) //5. Correct me if im wrong, I know this all only since one Day. I needed two // Days to figure all this out, because there is no tutorial anywhere on // the Internet and I wasted 2 Days of my lifetime. I hope this help! :) // This is all I know until now.