discord background color
#7289da (114,137,218) #424549 (66,69,73) #36393e (54,57,62) #282b30 (40,43,48) #1e2124 (30,33,36)
discord background color
#7289da (114,137,218) #424549 (66,69,73) #36393e (54,57,62) #282b30 (40,43,48) #1e2124 (30,33,36)
css discord color guide
Default: #839496 ``` NoKeyWordsHere ``` Quote: #586e75 ```brainfuck NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Green: #859900 ```CSS NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Cyan: #2aa198 ```yaml NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Blue: #268bd2 ```md NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Yellow: #b58900 ```fix NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Orange: #cb4b16 ```glsl NoKeyWordsHere ``` Solarized Red: #dc322f ```diff -NoKeyWordsHere ```
css discord color guide
And here is the escaped Default: #839496 ``` This is a for statement ``` Quote: #586e75 ```bash #This is a for statement ``` Solarized Green: #859900 ```diff + This is a for statement ``` //Second Way to do it ```diff ! This is a for statement ``` Solarized Cyan: #2aa198 ```cs "This is a for statement" ``` ```cs 'This is a for statement' ``` Solarized Blue: #268bd2 ```ini [This is a for statement] ``` //Second Way to do it ```asciidoc = This is a for statement = ``` Solarized Yellow: #b58900 ```autohotkey %This is a for statement% ``` Solarized Orange: #cb4b16 ```css [This is a for statement] ``` Solarized Red: #dc322f ```diff - This is a for statement ```
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