Answers for "authentication versus authorization"


authentication vs authorization

Authentication : 
				telling the system who you are 
				by providing username and password.

		Authorization : 
				things you can do according to who you are 

 ------  few ways of Authorization: 
 		Basic Auth --
 			 providing username and password for each and every request you 

 		Token based 
 			generate a long token just one time 
 			and use that for the rest of the request 

 			similar to the visitor tag you get when you go to certain 
            restricted areas 

 			API KEY --- 

 			Bearer Token --
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

Authorization vs Authentication

● authentication --> who are you
● authorization --> what rights do you have
● Authentication is user and password
● Authorization has types:
○ no Authorization
○ Basic Authorization
○ Bearer Token
○ Inherit Auth from parent
Posted by: Guest on June-21-2021

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