Answers for "template readme"


readme template

# Project Name
> Outline a brief description of your project.
> Live demo [_here_]( <!-- If you have the project hosted somewhere, include the link here. -->

## Table of Contents
* [General Info](#general-information)
* [Technologies Used](#technologies-used)
* [Features](#features)
* [Screenshots](#screenshots)
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Project Status](#project-status)
* [Room for Improvement](#room-for-improvement)
* [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
* [Contact](#contact)
<!-- * [License](#license) -->

## General Information
- Provide general information about your project here.
- What problem does it (intend to) solve?
- What is the purpose of your project?
- Why did you undertake it?
<!-- You don't have to answer all the questions - just the ones relevant to your project. -->

## Technologies Used
- Tech 1 - version 1.0
- Tech 2 - version 2.0
- Tech 3 - version 3.0

## Features
List the ready features here:
- Awesome feature 1
- Awesome feature 2
- Awesome feature 3

## Screenshots
![Example screenshot](./img/screenshot.png)
<!-- If you have screenshots you'd like to share, include them here. -->

## Setup
What are the project requirements/dependencies? Where are they listed? A requirements.txt or a Pipfile.lock file perhaps? Where is it located?

Proceed to describe how to install / setup one's local environment / get started with the project.

## Usage
How does one go about using it?
Provide various use cases and code examples here.


## Project Status
Project is: _in progress_ / _complete_ / _no longer being worked on_. If you are no longer working on it, provide reasons why.

## Room for Improvement
Include areas you believe need improvement / could be improved. Also add TODOs for future development.

Room for improvement:
- Improvement to be done 1
- Improvement to be done 2

To do:
- Feature to be added 1
- Feature to be added 2

## Acknowledgements
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by...
- This project was based on [this tutorial](
- Many thanks to...

## Contact
Created by [@flynerdpl]( - feel free to contact me!

<!-- Optional -->
<!-- ## License -->
<!-- This project is open source and available under the [... License](). -->

<!-- You don't have to include all sections - just the one's relevant to your project -->
Posted by: Guest on June-23-2021

readme template

# _{Application Name}_

#### _{Brief description of application}_

#### By _**{List of contributors}**_

## Technologies Used

* _List all_
* _the major technologies_
* _you used in your project_
* _here_

## Description

_{This is a detailed description of your application. Give as much detail as needed to explain what the application does as well as any other information you want users or other developers to have.}_

## Setup/Installation Requirements

* _This is a great place_
* _to list setup instructions_
* _in a simple_
* _easy-to-understand_
* _format_

_{Leave nothing to chance! You want it to be easy for potential users, employers and collaborators to run your app. Do I need to run a server? How should I set up my databases? Is there other code this application depends on? We recommend deleting the project from your desktop, re-cloning the project from GitHub, and writing down all the steps necessary to get the project working again.}_

## Known Bugs

* _Any known issues_
* _should go here_

## License

_{Let people know what to do if they run into any issues or have questions, ideas or concerns.  Encourage them to contact you or make a contribution to the code.}_

## Contact Information

_{Add your contact information here.}_
Posted by: Guest on August-03-2021

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