Answers for "how to declare const in js"


var or const in javascript

// var declares a variable, meaning its value will vary. 
// const declares a constant, meaning its value will remain 
// consistant and not change. 
// If your variable changes throughout the program or website, 
// declare it using a var statement. 
// Otherwise, if its value does not change, declare it using 
// a const statement. 

const myConst='A const does not change.';

var myVar='A var does change.';

var myVar=2;
Posted by: Guest on July-09-2020

how to create a constant in javascript

const example1 = "hello this is string variable" ; //this is string constant
const example2 = 12345 ; //this is numeric constant
const example3 = true ; //boolean constant
Posted by: Guest on December-11-2020

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