Answers for " Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). Could not read from remote repository."

10 permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

Go to "Git Bash" just like cmd. Right click and "Run as Administrator".
Type ssh-keygen
Press enter.
It will ask you to save the key to the specific directory.
Press enter. It will prompt you to type password or enter without password.
The public key will be created to the specific directory.
Now go to the directory and open .ssh folder.
You'll see a file Open it on notepad. Copy all text from it.
Go to .
Paste here in the "key" textfield.
Now click on the "Title" below. It will automatically get filled.
Then click "Add key".

Now give it a shot and it will work for sure.
Posted by: Guest on April-09-2021

Code answers related to " Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). Could not read from remote repository."

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