Answers for "how do i know if crontab is running"


how to check cron is running or not

$ systemctl status cron              # checks if cron is running

$ sudo systemctl enable cron.service # enable cron to run on boot
$ sudo systemctl start cron.service  # start cron now

$ sudo crontab -l                    # show all currently running cron jobs 
$ sudo crontab -u panda -l           # show all cron jobs running for user panda
Posted by: Guest on July-15-2021

how to check crontab list

To list all scheduled cron jobs for the current user : crontab –l
To display contents of the root user’s crontab : less /etc/crontab
To list cron jobs that belong to a specific user : sudo crontab –u username –l
To list hourly cron jobs : ls –la /etc/cron.hourly
To list daily cron jobs : ls –la /etc/cron.daily
To display weekly cron jobs : ls –la /etc/cron.weekly
To display monthly cron jobs : ls –la /etc/cron.monthly
Posted by: Guest on May-21-2021

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