Answers for "python decorator property"


decorator python

def our_decorator(func):
    def function_wrapper(x):
        print("Before calling " + func.__name__)
        print("After calling " + func.__name__)
    return function_wrapper

def foo(x):
    print("Hi, foo has been called with " + str(x))

Posted by: Guest on September-30-2020

python decorator

#Decorator are just function that take function as first
#parameter and return a function
def logging(f):
  def decorator_function(*args, **kwargs):
    print('executing '+f.__name__)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  return decorator_function
#Use it like this
def hello_world():
  print('Hello World')
#calling hello_world() prints out:
#executing hello_world
#Hello World
Posted by: Guest on April-04-2020

python decorators

# decorators are user to decorate functions like what to do before/after calling the function
import time

def delay_decorator(function):
    def wrapper_function():
        print("-----------------------I am gonna greet you--------------------------")
        time.sleep(2)# waits for 2 seconds
        function()   # calls the function
        time.sleep(1)# waits for 1 sec
        print("------------------How do you feel about that greet?-------------------")
    return wrapper_function

def greet():

Posted by: Guest on March-23-2021

python property decorator

@property decorator is a built-in decorator in Python which is helpful in defining the properties effortlessly without manually calling the inbuilt function property(). Which is used to return the property attributes of a class from the stated getter, setter and deleter as parameters.
class Student:

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.__name = name

    def name(self):
        return self.__name
Posted by: Guest on April-20-2021

python decorator

import functools

# A decorator is a Higher order function "_with_logging"
# It takes the function to be decorated as its argument
# In order to pass in some arbitrary arguments, it must be wrapped into
# another HOF (Higher order function) that will receive the inputs
def with_logging(level=logging.DEBUG, msg = None):
    def _with_logging(fn):
        # 'wraps' is a HOF that will give fn's name and docs to decorated_fn i.e. 
        #   decorated_fn.__name__ = fn.__name__
        #   help(decorated_fn) = help(fn)
        def decorated_fn(*args, **kwargs):
            res = fn(*args, **kwargs)
            print("n***************", f"n{msg}", "nExecuting with Args: ", *args, **kwargs)
            logging.log(level, res)
            return res
        return decorated_fn
    return _with_logging
# Used this way
@with_logging(level=logging.DEBUG, msg="Some awesome comment")
def hello_world(name):
  return f'Hello World {name}'
# Results after calling hello_world("John")
# ***************
# Some awesome comment
# Executing with Args: John
# Hello World John
Posted by: Guest on March-14-2021

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