Answers for "append for tuple python"


how to append value in tuple

a = (3,)
b = list(a)
a = tuple(b)
Posted by: Guest on July-25-2021

can i append elemnts to a tuple?

def add_elements_to_tuple(initial_tuple: tuple= tuple(), *args)-> tuple:
  initial_tuple= tuple(initial_tuple)
  initial_tuple+= args
  return initial_tuple

def add_elements_to_tuple(initial_tuple: tuple= tuple(), *args)-> tuple:
    if type(initial_tuple)!= tuple:
        raise TypeError("you have to input a tuple in the first parametere of this function!!")
    initial_tuple+= args
    return initial_tuple

  # I don't have to convert the args to a tuple because when arguments are
  # passed in with the asterisk the type is by default a tuple

# the first version does not raise errors in the majority of cases
# the second one is more likely to raise an error
# choose the one that you are more comfortable with
Posted by: Guest on September-28-2021

how to add number in tuple

a = ('2',)
b = 'z'
new = a + (b,)
Posted by: Guest on August-04-2020

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