Answers for "x64 ou x86"


x86 and x64 meaning

Difference between x64 and x86. It usually refers to x86 for 32 bit OS and x64 for system with 64 bit. Technically x86 simply refers to a family of processors and the instruction set they all use. ... The 64 bit computers can run both 32bit programs and 64 bit programs
Posted by: Guest on May-21-2020

x64 or x86

Difference between x64 and x86. 
It usually refers to x86 for 32 bit OS and x64 for system with 64 bit.
Technically x86 simply refers to a family of processors and the instruction set
they all use. 
The 64 bit computers can run both 32bit programs and 64 bit programs

Stole "Distured Dingos" answer but made it easier to read.
Posted by: Guest on June-22-2021

x64 assembly windows

includelib          kernel32.lib                                        ; Windows kernel interface

GetStdHandle        proto                                               ; Function to retrieve I/O handle
WriteConsoleA       proto                                               ; Function writes to command window
Console             equ             -11                                 ; Device code for console text output
ExitProcess         proto

        main        proc                                           

        sub         RSP, 40                                             ; Reserve "shadow space" on stack

;       Obtain "handle" for console display monitor I/O Streams
        mov         RCX, Console                                        ; Console standard output handle
        call        GetStdHandle                                        ; Returns handle in register RAX
        mov         stdout, RAX                                         ; Save handle for text display

;       Display the "Hello, World!" Message
        mov         RCX, stdout                                         ; Handle to standard output device
        lea         RDX, msg                                            ; Pointer to message (byte array)
        mov         R8, lengthof msg                                    ; Number of characters to display
        lea         R9, nbwr                                            ; Number of btes actually written
        call        WriteConsoleA                                       ; Write text to command window

        add         RSP, 40                                             ; Replace "shadow space" on stack
        mov         RCX, 0                                              ; Set exit status code to zero
        call        ExitProcess                                         ; Return control to Windows

        main        endp

        msg         byte             "Hello, World!"
        stdout      qword            ?                                  ; Handle to standard output device
        nbwr        qword            ?                                  ; Number of bytes actually written

Posted by: Guest on April-06-2020

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