Answers for "how to get iframe in selenium"


iframes in selenium

Iframes are basically <html> inside of another <html>.
Selenium can only focus one thing at a time. 
Therefore, if we have iframe on the page, 
we need to SWITCH driver's focus to the inner iframe 
to be able to perform any action with Selenium.
-> There are 3 ways to switch to iframes   
1- Locating it (the iframe), just as another webelement.
WebElement iframe = driver.findElement(By.locator);
driver.switchTo().frame(iframe); --> we pass the webelement of iframe
2- byIndex number of the iframe:  driver.switchTo().frame(0); 
We just need to understand which iframe we need to 
switch to, then we just pass the index number of it.
3- byId or byName attribute value:   
driver.switchTo().frame("idValue");  driver.switchTo().frame("nameValue");
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

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