Answers for "git push origin doesnt work"


git push origin master not working

Possible errors:

1. Origin - you maybe be pushing to the wrong origin.
git set-url origin [email protected]:username/test.git

2. Branch - you may be on the wrong branch. switch to the right branch and then push
git checkout branch

3. Add & Commit - remove to use these commands before pushing
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
Posted by: Guest on March-06-2022

git push not working

make sure you the branch you are pushing to and  the branch you are in locallly
are the same, {if there is no tracking relationship between the two establish one}
use command git push -u origin <branch>
/if that doesn\'t work you can do it forcefuylly using 
git push -f origin <branch> 
do a git status to confirm if there are indeed any commits that need to be pushed
do a git push to the origin master again
Posted by: Guest on April-02-2022

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