oop principles
Abstraction (Partial Abstraction & Interfaces)
Encapsulation (Private Field & Getter & Setter)
Inheritance (Super and Sub Class)
Polymorphism (Static - Overloading & Dynanmic - Overriding)
oop principles
Abstraction (Partial Abstraction & Interfaces)
Encapsulation (Private Field & Getter & Setter)
Inheritance (Super and Sub Class)
Polymorphism (Static - Overloading & Dynanmic - Overriding)
what is oop
OOP focuses on the objects that are
required to be manipulated instead of logic.
- It makes development and maintenance easier
- It provides data hiding
- It provides ability to simulate real-world
- less memory and organized
- reusable
OOP language follow 4 principles:
1-ENCAPSULATION: We can hide direct access
to data by using private key and we can access
private data by using getter and
setter method. in my framework I have POJO
class which I use it when we need to represent
some data as Java object. So to that we need to
create a Java class to represent it's data.
So in POJO class I use encapsulation and
getter setter method to access them.
2-ABSTRACTION: It is a process of hiding
implementation details and showing only
functionality to the user. Abstraction lets
you focus on what the object does instead of how it does it.
In my framework I have created my
PageBase class as super
class of the all page classes.
I have collected all common elements
and functions into PageBase class and
all other page classes
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