Answers for "wireless serial communication arduino"


arduino wireless communication

void loop()
    // Create our message
    const char *msg = "Hello World";
    // Send our message
    radio.send((uint8_t*)msg, strlen(msg));
    // Wait until the data has been sent
    // Delay since we dont want to send a trillion packets 
    // Also inform the serial port that we are done!
    Serial.println("Data Sent");
Posted by: Guest on February-05-2021

arduino wireless communication

#include <RH_ASK.h>   // Include the RH_ASK library
#include <SPI.h>      // Not actually used but needed to compile the RH_ASK library
Posted by: Guest on February-05-2021

arduino wireless communication

void loop()
  // Create a 32 byte char buffer
  uint8_t receive_buffer[32];
  uint8_t buflen = sizeof(receive_buffer);
  // If data is available, print it
  if (radio.recv(receive_buffer, &buflen))
    Serial.print("Message: ");
Posted by: Guest on February-05-2021

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