Answers for "bpy: couldn't find 'scripts/modules', blender probably wont start."


bpy: couldn't find 'scripts/modules', blender probably wont start.

You need to move the 2.79 folder to the directory containing the python executable.

simply go into your python env, into the Scripts directory, cut the 2.79 folder out of there and paste it into the folder containing the Conda Python executable. The problem is that the version folder (2.79, currently) must be sibling to the Python executable. Since whatever environment you are in does not have the python.exe file located alongside the Scripts (pip, venv, etc) it is complaining since the path to bpy_types is supposed to be ./2.79/scripts/modules/ (relative to the current python.exe that is trying to import it) and it can't find it.

Windows is a known platform where these script files can be different, especially depending on your environment.

So in short:

Find the folder 2.79 Cut it from the current location Paste it into the folder containing python.exe
Posted by: Guest on February-09-2021

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