spectral cube
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.utils import data
>>> from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
>>> fn = data.get_pkg_data_filename('tests/data/example_cube.fits', 'spectral_cube')
>>> cube = SpectralCube.read(fn)
>>> print(cube)
SpectralCube with shape=(7, 4, 3) and unit=Jy / beam:
n_x: 3 type_x: RA---ARC unit_x: deg range: 52.231466 deg: 52.231544 deg
n_y: 4 type_y: DEC--ARC unit_y: deg range: 31.243639 deg: 31.243739 deg
n_s: 7 type_s: VRAD unit_s: m / s range: 14322.821 m / s: 14944.909 m / s
# extract the subcube between 98 and 100 GHz
>>> slab = cube.spectral_slab(98 * u.GHz, 100 * u.GHz)
# Ignore elements fainter than 1 Jy/beam
>>> masked_slab = slab.with_mask(slab > 1 Jy/beam)
# Compute the first moment and write to file
>>> m1 = masked_slab.moment(order=1)
>>> m1.write('moment_1.fits')