Answers for "unitys particle system"


unity's particle system

Posted by: Guest on June-19-2021

about unity's particle system

Unity's particle system, a powerful particle system written for Unity in Mono, a free and open-source .NET Framework-compatible software framework. Unity's particle system supports particles of snowflakes (which can be sprites and models), or hair. Each particle can have a different material, or for the case of sprites, a different texture. Particle systems can also be accelerated by video cards, so many more particle systems can be displayed instead of just flat planes or models which will take longer to render and sacrifice performance for no or worse difference.
Posted by: Guest on August-04-2021

code to unity particle system

Another fun fact is blender partical system is good and yes from the same developers from unitys partical system
Posted by: Guest on June-24-2021

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