Time delay C# unity
void start()
IEnumerator Text() // <- its a standalone method
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3)
Time delay C# unity
void start()
IEnumerator Text() // <- its a standalone method
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3)
waitforseconds unity
public void GameOver()
//Set levelText to display number of levels passed and game over message
levelText.text = "After " + level + " months, you starved.";
new WaitForSeconds(6);
unity3d coroutine to do for n seconds
IEnumerator GoLeft() {
float timePassed = 0;
while (timePassed < 3){
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
how to write coroutine in unity
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;// In this example we show how to invoke a coroutine and execute
// the function in parallel. Start does not need IEnumerator.public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
private IEnumerator coroutine; void Start()
// - After 0 seconds, prints "Starting 0.0 seconds"
// - After 0 seconds, prints "Coroutine started"
// - After 2 seconds, prints "Coroutine ended: 2.0 seconds"
print("Starting " + Time.time + " seconds"); // Start function WaitAndPrint as a coroutine. coroutine = WaitAndPrint(2.0f);
StartCoroutine(coroutine); print("Coroutine started");
} private IEnumerator WaitAndPrint(float waitTime)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
print("Coroutine ended: " + Time.time + " seconds");
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