Answers for "linux kill process by name"


ubuntu kill process by name

# killall process name:
pkill firefox

To kill all the processes that you have the permission to kill,
simply run the command
kill -15 -1 or kill -9 -1 depending on the desired behavior 
(use man kill for details)

To kill a specific process, say, firefox,
simply run pkill firefox 
or killall firefox depending on the behavior you want: 
Whats the difference between 'killall' and 'pkill'?
Pkill and killall both have distinguishing options. 
Killall has a flag to match by process age, 
pkill has a flag to only kill processes on a given tty. 
Etcetera ad nauseum. Neither is better, 
they just have different specialties.
If you want to see what processes are running use the command
Posted by: Guest on June-29-2021

how to kill process in linux by name

# How to Kill the supervisord process without the PID
ps -ef | grep 'supervisord' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9
Posted by: Guest on June-22-2021

how to kill process by command name

pkill firefox
Posted by: Guest on November-27-2020

killall by name

pkill -f pattern
Posted by: Guest on October-26-2020

kill all process

killall node -9
Posted by: Guest on May-04-2020

kill process by name

#on a cluster #sbatch process 
scancel -u username
Posted by: Guest on November-29-2020

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