Answers for "examples of object oriented programming"


oop principles

Abstraction (Partial Abstraction & Interfaces)
Encapsulation (Private Field & Getter & Setter)
Inheritance (Super and Sub Class)
Polymorphism (Static - Overloading & Dynanmic - Overriding)
Posted by: Guest on February-21-2020

what is a object oriented programming technique

-----What Is an Object in Programming?----
Object-oriented programming, or OOP, is an approach to problem solving 
where all computations are carried out using objects. An object is a 
component of a program that knows how to perform certain actions and how 
to interact with other elements of the program. Objects are the basic units 
of object-oriented programming. A simple example of an object would be a 
person. Logically, you would expect a person to have a name. Th
Posted by: Guest on August-18-2021

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