unity push object with collision and charactercontroller
public float forceMultiplyer = 1000f;
public float velocity;
public Vector3 Velocity;
private Vector3 lastframepos;
//checks collision
private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit collision)
//checks if there is rigidbody
if (collision.rigidbody == null) { return; }
Vector3 pushDir = Velocity;
//Adds force to the object
collision.rigidbody.AddForce(pushDir * velocity * forceMultiplyer * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Impulse);
private void Update()
//calculates velocity
Velocity.x = transform.position.x - lastframepos.x;
Velocity.y = transform.position.x - lastframepos.y;
Velocity.y = transform.position.y - lastframepos.y;
//calculates velocity "Speed"
float vx;
float vy;
float vz;
if (Velocity.x < 0) { vx = Velocity.x * -1; } else { vx = Velocity.x; };
if (Velocity.y < 0) { vy = Velocity.y * -1; } else { vy = Velocity.y; };
if (Velocity.z < 0) { vz = Velocity.z * -1; } else { vz = Velocity.z; };
velocity = vx + vy + vz;
//Sets the lastframe pos
lastframepos = transform.position;